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  3. Smart Card Authentication
  4. Interactive user guide
  5. Unable to Scan to HomeDirectory when Using SNF on a SCAC-Enabled MFP
Smart Card Authentication

Smart Card Authentication

Solution type: Device Based

Smart Card Authentication Support

Unable to Scan to HomeDirectory when Using SNF on a SCAC-Enabled MFP

You receive a "
Userid or password not verified
" error messageupon swiping your badge to login to your MFP. This happens when you are trying to perform a scan to your
via Scan to Network Folder (
) app.
Manual log-in usually works but
badge authentication fails
. This happens specifically on a
Affected models
This issue applies to the following Lexmark models, but other models not listed here could also be affected:
  • MX410de
  • MX510de
  • MX511de\dte\dhe
  • MX610de
  • MX611de\dte\dhe
  • MX710de\dhe
  • MX711de\dhe
  • MX810de
  • MX811de
  • MX812de
  • CX410e\de
  • CX510de\dhe
Recommended solution
Update the printer’s firmware to
PE Release code P250
or the
To obtain this version, please contact
Lexmark Technical Support
and reference this KB article ID. Support personnel can assist with the update procedure if necessary.
Still need help?
If you need additional assistance, please close this window, go to your product's support page and locate
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Touch with Lexmark!
for contact information.
In order to expedite the support process, please be prepared to provide information regarding your issue; e.g.,
name and version of solution
problem description
, and
affected printer models
Please call from near the printer in case the technician on the phone asks you to perform a task involving the printer.