Unable to launch Device Quotas authenticated with SCAC after upgrading Lexmark CX510 to EC6 Firmware
Unable to Launch Device Quotas Authenticated with SCAC After Upgrading Lexmark CX510 to EC6 Firmware
Issue description
Should you utilize
Device Quotas
in a Lexmark
with the firmware (FW) upgraded to
, the application will not launch and will instead go back to the printer’s home screen after user authentication via
Smart Card Authentication Client
It has been observed that some applications bundled in a Lexmark CX510 fail to start after upgrading the printer’s firmware from EC4.0 to EC6. Should you encounter this type of scenario, please contact
Lexmark Technical Support
and have the issue escalated for further investigation.
If the issue persists, search for more information related to this issue or contact support for further assistance.
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