1. Support
  2. Solutions
  3. Card Copy
  4. Interactive user guide
  5. Third party support additional escalation requirements
Card Copy

Card Copy

Solution type: Device Based

Card Copy Support

Third party support additional escalation requirements

Additional requirements for Third party support issues

Additional requirements

Requirement and relevance
How to obtain
Mediation Service Installation of Windows service Log
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
Go to
.\Lexmark\EmbeddedThirdParty\third-party-mediation-service\logs, and then obtain a copy of the ThirdPartyMediationService.<timestamp>.log.
Mediation Service run-time Log
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
Go to
.\Lexmark\EmbeddedThirdParty\procrun\logs, and then obtain a copy of the third-party-mediation-service.log
Lexmark Embedded Third Party Install Logs
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
Go to the following paths, and then obtain the logs:
  • %programdata%\Lexmark\PrintManagement\logs\lpm_base_install.
  • %programdata%\Lexmark\PrintManagement\logs\lpm_management_console_install.
  • %programdata%\Lexmark\PrintManagement\logs\lpm_thirdparty_install.
Sentry Logs
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
  • From the
    Lexmark Embedded Third Party Management Console Logging
    tab, select "
    ", and then select "
    All Raw Logs
    ". The logs will be zipped on the file system.
  • From the
    Lexmark Base
    , select a log from the User Interface (UI), and then