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  5. Lexmark Remote Asset Manager data points additional escalation requirements
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Lexmark Remote Asset Manager data points additional escalation requirements

Additional requirements for Lexmark Remote Asset Manager (LRAM) data points

Additional requirements

Before proceeding, make sure to fill out the Main escalation information requirement and gather the Lexmark Fleet Manager primary escalation requirements.
LFT Data Collector Lexmark Remote Asset Manager (LRAM) Escalation Checklist
Requirement and relevance
How to obtain
LRAM log file
Useful for understanding problematic behavior
  1. Access the LRAM web user interface..
  2. Navigate to
    Logging Level
    and set it to
    . Then click
  3. After replicating the issue, click again on
    Export Diagnostics
    . It will then create a zipped file.
  4. To manually get the file, access the server where LRAM is installed and go to
    C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Lexmark Remote Asset Manager\logs.
    Zipped the log folder.
Screen capture
Provides overview of the problematic behavior
Use the
ALT + Print Screen
feature in windows or any screen capture utility available.
Installation path of LRAM
The default path for
LSM is C:\Program Files\Lexmark\LSM