Lexmark Printer Management Agent for MPS issues primary escalation requirements

Lexmark Printer Management Agent for MPS issues primary escalation KB
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Common requirements

Before proceeding, make sure to fill out the Main escalation information requirement.
If a device is involved, gather these
common requirements
for all
Lexmark Printer Management Agent for MPS
-related issues.
Please utilize all available technical support resources before electing to escalate issues.
Requirement and relevance
How to obtain
Ensure you can print to the printer
To verify printer communication
Perform a test print.
Verify whether the LPMA service is running on the client computer
This is required for the app to work.
  1. Go to
    , type
    , and then click Services to open the window.
  2. Locate and make sure that the
    Lexmark Printer Management Agent
    service is
Verify whether LPMA data is available
To verify missing data in the Lexmark Data Collection Manager (LDCM) when data is not collected
Make sure that MPSConfiguration.ini file has MPS_STATUS] ¬ RUN_ON_STARTUP=ENABLED, and then
LPMA service
to trigger file generation.
Verify whether the webserver url
https://<server name or IP address>:8443/localagent/localagent.jsp
is reachable from the client computer and results in a
Connection Successful
If connection is
not successful
, make sure that the server's outbound port
is open and is not blocked by any Firewall, Router, or Proxy server.
Collect MPSLOGGER.log
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
  1. Make sure that
    file has
    MPS_STATUS] ¬ LOGGING_LEVEL=ALL LOG_FILE_NAME=C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\lpmalogs\MPS.log
    , and then
    restart the LPMA service
    to trigger file generation.
  2. Print multiple files to the printer.
  3. Collect the
    MPSLOGGER.log file
    (or the set LOG_FILE_NAME) found in the
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\LPMA folder
    It will indicate the function and whether the data is successfully sent to LDCM web server. Additionally, if
    MPS logging
    is set to “ALL”, an XML file will appear in the folder and should contain printer information (if printer communication is working).
  4. Provide the LOG file to Lexmark Technical Support.
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