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  5. Oracle database additional escalation requirements
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Oracle database additional escalation requirements

Additional requirements for Oracle Database (DB) Information

Additional requirements

Before proceeding, make sure to fill out the Main escalation information requirement and gather the Lexmark Fleet Manager primary escalation requirements.
For capacity issues, check Oracle version against the size of
file to determine if database (DB) has gone over it's storage capacity.
  1. Determine Oracle Version to determine size capacity.
    To check the Oracle version, click
    All Programs
    View Oracle Version
    . Oracle 10g XE = 4 GB; Oracle 11g XE = 11 GB
  2. Locate users.dbf file and check size.
    This file determines size of DB. Default Oracle install directory:
  3. Check the size of users.dbf compared to the overall size capacity of the Oracle version being used.
    Issues will result if user.dbf is
    in size than Oracle version. Escalate DB issues right away.