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  5. Lexmark Fleet Manager primary escalation requirements
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Lexmark Fleet Manager primary escalation requirements

Lexmark Fleet Manager (LFM) primary escalation KB
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Common requirements

Before proceeding, make sure to fill out the Main escalation information requirement.
If a device is involved, gather these
common requirements
for all
Lexmark Fleet Manager
-related issues.
Provide a detailed problem description:
  1. For data roll-up issues, include all LFM collectors involved:
    • Lexmark Fleet Tracker (LFT 2.0 only)
    • Lexmark Services monitor (LSM)
    • embedded Lexmark Services Monitor (eLSM)
    • Lexmark Local Tracker (LLT)
    • Lexmark Print Monitor Agent (LPMA)
  2. Include code levels of affected LFM product.
  3. Details should include information about environment, architecture, installation, frequency (persistent and repeatable compared to random anomaly), functionality, and others.
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