Step | Action |
1 | Before you begin, you must log in as the system operator or the security officer ( QSYSOPR or QSECOFR ), or have print operator authority. |
2 | Type CRTDEVPRT (create device printer) from a command line. |
3 | Give the printer a device name of your choice. |
4 | Specify the DEVICE CLASS as *LAN ; this applies to ethernet or token ring topologies. |
5 | Set the TYPE to 3812 and MODEL to 1 . |
6 | Set the LAN
Attachment (LANATTACH ) to *IP . |
7 | Set the PORT
number to 9100 for an internal network adapter |
8 | Specify the default Font : identifier you want to use for this device; for example, FONT: identifier 11 . |
9 | Set FORMFEED to *CONT . |
10 | Set the Activation timer ( ACTTMR ) to 170 . |
11 | Set the Inactivity timer ( INACTTMR ) to *SEC15 . |
12 | Set HOST PRINT TRANSFORM (HPT ) to *YES and set the Manufacture type and model (MFRTYPMDL ) to *LEX2391 , for example.MFRTYPMDL is variable, select the printer model closest in value to your printer model. To view the possible values under MFRTYPMDL, press F4 . |
13 | For the Remote Location Name or address (RMTLOCNAME ) field, enter the IP address or the host name for your network adapter. |
14 | Lastly, set the System Driver Program (SYSDRVPGM ) to *IBMSNMPDRV and save the printer device description. |
15 | Now you must VARY ON the device. From a command line type WRKDEVD . |
16 | Move your cursor to the printer you have just created, type the number 8 , and then press Enter . |
17 | Press number 1 to VARY ON the device, and press Enter . The device should now show VARIED ON . |
18 | Press F12 to exit out of WRKDEVD and back to your command line . |
19 | At the command line type WRKWTR . |
20 | Move your cursor to the writer that has been created, press 1 to start the writer, and then press Enter . |
21 | You can press F5 to refresh this screen until you see 21 , which signifies that the writer’s status (Sts ) is ready (RDY ). |
22 | Press F12 to exit WRKWTR . |
23 | You will have to view the messages on the queue twice. Use G the first time, then I the second. |
24 | You are now ready to print. |