1. Support
  2. Printers
  3. Lexmark Forms Printer 2581+
  4. Interactive user guide
  5. Virtual Configuration Center primary escalation requirements
Lexmark Forms Printer 2581+

Lexmark Forms Printer 2581+

Printer features: Dot matrix

Lexmark Forms Printer 2581+ Support

Virtual Configuration Center primary escalation requirements

Virtual Configuration Center (VCC) issues primary escalation KB


Before proceeding, make sure to fill out the Main escalation information requirement.
If a device is involved, gather these requirements for all
-related issues.
Requirement and relevance
How to obtain
Menu Settings Page
This document contains all the printer settings and running firmware code.
On the printer, press
Menu Settings Page
Network Setup Page
This document contains the device’s network settings.
On the printer, press
Network Setup Page
History Information Log
This applies to all Network-connected MFPs.
This document contains the machine's History Information.
  1. Open printer's Web interface.
    To do this:
    1. Open a Web browser; e.g., IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
    2. Enter the printer's
      IP Address
      followed by
      , e.g.,
    3. Press
  2. Select History Information.
  3. Save the file.
Embedded Solutions Log File
It documents all the errors or crashes experienced by the eSF apps' user.
  1. Open printer's Web interface.
    To do this:
    1. Open a Web browser; e.g., IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
    2. Enter the printer's
      IP Address
      followed by /se, e.g.,
    3. Press
  2. Select
    Embedded Solutions
    Lexmark recommends to perform
    Clear Log File
    first before proceeding to the next step. This will ensure that
    new log files
    will be captured to better isolate the problem.
  3. Go to Set Logging Level, select YES for Allow debugging entries in the log?, and hit Submit. This will turn ON Debugging Mode. Reproduce the problem.
  4. Do Steps 1 and 2, and then click on Log File.
  5. Copy and
    all the entries.
Bundle Information
This provides a list of all solutions installed on the printer.
  1. Open printer's Web interface.
    To do this:
    1. Open a Web browser; e.g., IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
    2. Enter the printer's IP Address followed by /se, e.g.,
    3. Press Enter.
  2. Select Embedded Solutions.
  3. Select the Bundle Information.
  4. Copy and Save all the entries.
‘Bundle.zip’ Configuration File
Info is used for simulation and analysis.