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  2. Printers
  3. Lexmark Forms Printer 2581+
  4. Interactive user guide
  5. Lexmark Print Service Plug-in primary escalation requirements
Lexmark Forms Printer 2581+

Lexmark Forms Printer 2581+

Printer features: Dot matrix

Lexmark Forms Printer 2581+ Support

Lexmark Print Service Plug-in primary escalation requirements

This article serves as a guide to gathering necessary information before opening an escalation item for Lexmark Print Service Plug-in.
Before proceeding, make sure to fill out the Main escalation information requirement.
Gather the primary requirement for Lexmark Print Service Plug-in‑related issues.
Requirement and Relevance
How to Obtain
Hardware information
This is the hardware where the product is running.
Please provide the following:
  • Manufacturer (e.g., Asus, Samsung, etc.)
  • Model (e.g., Nexus 7, HTC One, etc.)
  • OS version (Android 4.4.2, iOS 6.1.3, etc.)
External Software Versions
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
If the issue involves interaction with another application, provide details about the software; e.g.,
  • Application Name (Adobe Reader, MS Word, Gallery, etc.)
  • Application Version
Product Version
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
The version number listed in the
Hardware Architecture
This is not typically required; however if the issue is from an
, it is often helpful to understand how the products are installed.
Verify the following:
  • Network topology.
  • Is a hardware load balancer being used?
Software Architecture
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
With a product like LPM and other Enterprise applications; gathering the following details are helpful:
  • Is Network Load Balancing used?
  • Database clustering
  • Windows Clustering
  • Farm Installs for LPM
  • How the product is being used at a high level topology.
How was the mobile app obtained?
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
This should typically be from
Google Play
non-public store
option means the app was deployed via a third party MDM system.
Identify and investigate External conditions or customer-specific environment variables
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
Verify if the user is connecting the mobile device to the
network as the printer or server.
Product Logs (Optional)
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
If needed, please contact
Lexmark Technical Support
Select a topic from the list to view additional requirements specific to your issue.