Support ticket

We're sorry you're having problems with one of our products, but we're here to help!

Please fill out this support form to help us understand the current issue.

* = Required

Background information

Please fill in the following information about the issue, device, and computer you are using with your device.

How is your device connected?
Serial numbers are located on the back of your printer.

Your contact information

Please fill in the following information for how you may be contacted.

Review the accuracy of the email address to ensure successful communication from Lexmark
Phone number format: Do not include spaces or dashes.

Lexmark is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. We will use this information only to provide the requested product support, unless you provide permission for other uses. To learn more, please read our Privacy Statement.

Type the model number (ex: MB2236) or solution name (ex: Cloud Services)
Finding the printer model number?