1. Support
  2. Printers
  3. Lexmark Forms Printer 2591
  4. Interactive user guide
  5. Forms Composer and Forms Manager Issues primary escalation requirements
Lexmark Forms Printer 2591

Lexmark Forms Printer 2591

Printer features: Dot matrix

Lexmark Forms Printer 2591 Support

Forms Composer and Forms Manager Issues primary escalation requirements

Forms Composer and Forms Manager Issues primary escalation KB
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Common requirements

Before proceeding, make sure to fill out the Main escalation information requirement.
If a device is involved, gather these
common requirements
for all
Forms Composer & Forms Manager
-related issues.
Please utilize all available technical support resources before electing to escalate issues.
Requirement and relevance
How to obtain
Menu Settings Page
This document contains all the printer settings and running firmware code.
On the printer, press
Menu Settings Page
; or click here for more information.
Logs Gzip
Applies to all Network-connected MFPs
This is a compressed file which contains all the logs from the printer's SE page.
  1. Open printer's Web interface.
    1. Open a Web browser; e.g., IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
    2. Enter the printer's IP Address followed by /se, e.g.,
    3. Press
  2. Select
    Logs Gzip Compressed
    to download the file.
  3. Save
    the file; e.g.,
Formset (.FDD / .SDD)
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
  1. Launch Forms Composer, then select
  2. Set Files of type to
    Packed Formset Projects (*.fdd, *.sdd)
  3. Navigate to the folder where the
    .FDD / .SDD
    file is
Sample Data (.txt file)
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
  1. Launch Forms Composer, then select
    Load Sample Data
  2. Navigate to the folder where the sample data file is stored.
Forms Composer & Forms Manager version
Info is used for simulation and analysis.
On the Forms Composer and Forms Manager app, click on
, and note the app version.
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