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  3. Markvision Enterprise
  4. Interactive user guide
  5. Checking the printer conformance with a configuration
Markvision Enterprise

Markvision Enterprise

Solution type: Software

Markvision Enterprise Support

Checking the printer conformance with a configuration

During a conformance check, MVE checks the printer settings, and verifies whether they match the assigned configuration. MVE does not make changes to the printer during this operation.
Before you begin, make sure that a configuration is assigned to the printer. For more information, see .Assigning configurations to printers
  1. From the Printers menu, click
    Printer Listing
  2. Select one or more printers.
  3. Click
    Check conformance
    • You can view the results in the task status page.
    • A conformance check can be scheduled to occur regularly. For more information, see .Creating a schedule